Supported by , London
This event, organised by the Service Innovation Technical Committee, was designed to take stock of what has happened so far and to allow participants to help construct a visual/graphical account (digital story) of the anticipated effects in the water sector in the short, medium and long-term.
The day began with an introduction by Martin Shouler (who had literally just landed from an overnight flight from Nepal) our grateful thanks to Martin and Siraj Tahir for their invaluable assistance in the making of this story.
The presentations were followed by a Q&A session where delegates were invited to pose questions to the panel - consisting of the three keynote speakers and Martin Shouler.
After an opportunity for everyone to network during lunch - the afternoon workshop sessions began with everyone split into two groups. The workshop discussions were recorded and will form a digital story available in the New Year. The photograph above shows the first challenge of the afternoon which was to create a resilient water supply for a town.
...the digital story of retail separation is the water sector is just beginning and we all await the next chapter.